This project was dedicated to Margaret Hamilton, who was instrumental in building the software that helped Neil Armstrong and his cohert land on the moon, for the 50 year anniversary of the moon landing in 1969.
Some Googlers asked, “What do the mirrors in a solar energy array do at night? Could we treat them like pixels and point them at the moon to create a giant mural of Margaret Hamilton, made of moonlight?”
Yes, as it turns out. With the help of a lot of trigonometry, Google Earth, and Margaret herself. Learn more here.
I was lucky enough to art direct the mural of Margaret— a mural the size of Central Park.
This project was dedicated to Margaret Hamilton, who was instrumental in building the software that helped Neil Armstrong and his cohert land on the moon, for the 50 year anniversary of the moon landing in 1969.
Some Googlers asked, “What do the mirrors in a solar energy array do at night? Could we treat them like pixels and point them at the moon to create a giant mural of Margaret Hamilton, made of moonlight?”
Yes, as it turns out. With the help of a lot of trigonometry, Google Earth, and Margaret herself. Learn more here.
I was lucky enough to art direct the mural of Margaret— a mural the size of Central Park.